Tuesday, January 12, 2010

8th Jan til 11th Jan 20ten

I thought being back to KK was Okay. and at least would be good. But then, boleh la, still missing the KL moment with my baby. I missed our sweet pre-honeymoon! what a word. PRE-HONEYMOON. aha. the sweet moments. lots and lots of memories. 4days in KL was absolutely QUICK. Its just like our normal 4 hours-date. :(( But yeah, i missed all the times we shared. The dinner date, late 7 Eleven Imbi maggi Hot Cup, playing dumbs, singing like a rock star in Melia Hotel Room, screaming, running through the Hotel corridor, taking pictures, acting cool moments, the monorails trip, penjara Pudu and all. a lot to list down. i missed it! cant wait for the July trip again! yeayy!

Nadia, Intan & Zul, sorry :((


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